fraction of a number

Subtracting a Fraction from a whole number

Converting Improper Fraction Into Mixed Number (11/7 = ?) #fractions #mathtutor #silentmath

How to Multiply a Whole Number by a Fraction | Multiplying Fractions | Math with Mr. J

How to Add Fractions / Fraction Addition / Adding Fractions / Learn Addition of Fractions

Learn how to add a mixed number to a fraction with unlike denominators

How to Divide a Whole Number by a Fraction | Math with Mr. J

How to Divide a Fraction by a Whole Number | Math with Mr. J

Did you know this Fraction Tricks #math #mathematics #mathstricks #maths #mathhacks

Subtracting a whole number from a fraction

How to Simplify a Fraction over a Number and a Number over a Fraction

How to Square a Fraction

How to Raise a Number to a Power That's a Fraction : Algebra Help

Multiplying a Fraction By a Whole Number: A Step-by-Step Guide for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade

How to divide a mixed number by a fraction

Write the numerators and denominators of the following fractions

Ex: Identify a Fraction on a Number Line

Multiplying Whole Number by a Fraction by @MathTeacherGon

Divide a Whole Number by a Fraction

How to: Whole Number minus a Fraction

How to Divide a Mixed Number by a Fraction | Math with Mr. J

Find the Missing Number of an Equivalent Fraction | Numerator & Denominator | Pre-Algebra | Eat Pi

01 - What is a Fraction? - Definition & Meaning - Part 1 - Numerator, Denominator & More.

Math shorts | Fraction trick (when numerators are 1) #shorts #youtubeshorts

How to determine which Fraction is larger